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4 Top Reasons to Make a Vacation Rental Your Next Holiday - Plus Booking Tips

4 Top Reasons to Make a Vacation Rental Your Next Holiday - Plus Booking Tips

Vacation rentals were the fastest growing type of holiday accommodation even before the pandemic. With types of rental homes ranging from urban apartments to beach villas, farmhouses to ski chalets or even castles, the trend towards non-hotel stays is likely to keep growing as travel picks up again.  Here are the top reasons why you might be thinking about a vacation rental soon.  And we share a couple of tips to help you get the best rental experience in a travel...

3 Places For the Romantic, Overwater Escape of a Lifetime

3 Places For the Romantic, Overwater Escape of a Lifetime

Ever since the first overwater bungalow resort was built half a century ago, they have come to define the ultimate romantic tropical getaway.Overwater villas are the next best thing to a private tropical island of your own – a luxury, rustic-chic bungalow suspended right over top of jewel-toned seas. It brings out the primal human in us all, and activates every romantic instinct.The originals in French Polynesia were inspired by the makeshift, thatched-roof overwater huts made by local fishermen to...

3 Places For the Romantic, Overwater Escape of a Lifetime

Top 4 Places In The World To Go Hot Air Ballooning

Top 4 Places In The World To Go Hot Air Ballooning

Imagine yourself silently drifting along under colourful silk, cradled in a giant basket. You’re part of the breeze and Nature as you tranquilly float on the air over undisturbed scenery below. Your pilot lets the heat in the balloon drop to silently lower you closer to your birds’ eye view… then lifts you to majestic heights over an unforgettable panorama. As epic as your photos will be, they will never match the reality of your experience.If that is your idea...

Roundup of the NEW, COVID Insurance Options for Canadian Travellers

Roundup of the NEW, COVID Insurance Options for Canadian Travellers

In less than a month, the landscape for Canadian travellers has been transformed.Back in March, the COVID-19 virus was determined to be a ‘known factor’ and so it was no longer covered by regular travel medical insurance policies. Since then, Canadians who have wanted to travel have not had coverage for expenses incurred if they contracted the virus while abroad.All that changed just a couple of weeks ago. With much of the world learning to manage the pandemic, and commonly-accepted safety...

Roundup of the NEW, COVID Insurance Options for Canadian Travellers

Post-COVID's Biggest Travel Trend is...Small

Post-COVID's Biggest Travel Trend is...Small

As the world prepares to travel again, there’s a huge trend emerging: going small.  We know what the ingredients of travel are going to be in the immediate post-pandemic future of travel: More space. More privacy. More flexibility. The travel industry is rising to the occasion with an innovative sweep of new, and newly-important touring options that make touring with your own ‘bubble’ – whether it’s your family, extended family, group of friends or couples on their own – suddenly easy. Smaller groups....

Hidden Secrets and Natural Wonders of 4 Costa Rican Volcanoes

Hidden Secrets and Natural Wonders of 4 Costa Rican Volcanoes

From breathtaking beaches, up through rainforests and cloud forests, Costa Rica’s terrain rises from the sea to mountain ranges and, like icing on a scenic cake, a string of volcanoes that are evidence of the country’s location on the Pacific Ring of Fire. There are over 200 identifiable volcanoes in Costa Rica that date back more than 65 million years. Half of those show volcanic activity but only half a dozen are classified as active volcanoes.Costa Rica’s volcanoes are signature...

Hidden Secrets and Natural Wonders of 4 Costa Rican Volcanoes

Places You Can Tour Wine Country Close to Home

Places You Can Tour Wine Country Close to Home

There may be more places than you think.California's legendary wine regions and famous wineries have the weather, the scenery, the lifestyle, and of course, the wines, that put them at the top of global wine travel lists.But as we are planning our first post-COVID trips, wine lovers should expand their lists of wine tour regions close to home to get our fix of wine tastings, vineyard strolling, and re-stocking our cellars with one-of-a-kind vintages. Vastly different landscapes throughout America's states...

Newfoundland Ponies Are The Joy We All Need Right Now

Newfoundland Ponies Are The Joy We All Need Right Now

When a destination’s nickname is ‘The Rock’, you don’t expect a warm and cozy place. Newfoundland is the eastern most point in North America, the vanguard of the continent where it faces into the North Atlantic waters and winds that once brought Vikings and still bring icebergs to its shores.  In this dramatic setting and tough climate, only the strong survive. Newfoundlanders are tough survivors, but the opposite to their stark environment with famously welcoming, colorful, charming, musical and comedic culture.The ponies that...

Newfoundland Ponies Are The Joy We All Need Right Now

Top Souvenirs from a Trip to... Ireland

Top Souvenirs from a Trip to... Ireland

If you’re one of the almost 20% of Americans and Canadians with Irish ancestry – or have fallen in love with the lore of the ‘Emerald Isle’ – a trip to Ireland is the perfect way to immerse yourself in its vivid scenery, storied towns and landscapes… and of course, stock up on the souvenirs that symbolize the country’s history, craftsmanship, and flavors.Here’s a list of the best places in Ireland to visit to shop for ways to remember your...

How You Can Help Solve Overtourism - AND Still Enjoy the World's Most Popular Destinations

How You Can Help Solve Overtourism - AND Still Enjoy the World's Most Popular Destinations

Amsterdam. Venice. Barcelona. Just to name a few. These are spectacular, vibrant, magical cities… reeling under the weight of tourists.I’m very fortunate to have visited a number of cities that are now on the list of overtouristed destinations. They are magnificent and life changing. But sadly, each subsequent visit, I see the very qualities travelers go there to seek eroded a little bit more by a growing volume of tourists.Over-touristed destinations worry about becoming artificial, ‘theme park’ versions of their charming, unique,...

How You Can Help Solve Overtourism - AND Still Enjoy the World's Most Popular Destinations